
Plan Managers & Support Coordinators Partnership for Better Participant Support!

It is very unlikely for a client or customer to onboard two different segments of a single program to work towards their betterment and get the desirable results. In most departments and schemes, it's a tedious task that requires numerous efforts and solid reasons.

However, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, aka NDIS, stands out. It has planned and structured its programs in such flexible ways that NDIS participants can work alongside two maestros of different sections.

I am talking about the Plan Manager and Support Coordinator partnership here. Many participants have enabled and achieved fruitful results with these duos in the past. It might sound like an exception, but it is possible in crucial circumstances.

So, let's discover the insights of the partnership between the Plan Manager and the Support Coordinator in shaping participants' NDIS journey.

Plan Managers Vs. Support Coordinators - Understand Differences!

Both Plan Managers and Support coordinators are crucial components in aiding participants in achieving their goals and optimizing their NDIS funds so that they can live contented and comfortable lives.

Plan Manager - Plan managers manage finances and maintain your NDIS budget for support needs. Think of them as your personal accountant and bookkeeper who keeps track of your funding and expenses, pays invoices on time, and generates monthly reports.

With a plan manager, you have the flexibility to work with both registered and unregistered providers and the best part is that the NDIS covers the cost of having a plan manager so that it won't cost you anything.

Support Coordinator - Support Coordinators play a crucial role in the lives of NDIS participants. They are responsible for connecting participants with the appropriate support and service providers to achieve their goals.

NDIS Support Coordinators will work with you to create and implement a plan to help you maximize your NDIS funding. They will assist you with the following:

  • Picking suitable supports and providers

  • Arranging assessments

  • Connecting you with community services

  • Managing your service agreements

  • Preparing for plan renewal or review.

Benefits of working closely with Plan Managers & Support Coordinators

A supportive and functional team is crucial for anyone on their NDIS journey. It is important to note that any participant can be plan-managed, but having a support coordinator is only deemed necessary and reasonable for some participants.

If you fall into this category, building the right team will help you maintain healthy and happy relationships and set achievable goals. This will ensure you are on the right track to achieve your goals continuously.

Moreover, the duo comprises many benefits, including:

Reduced Burden and Increased Expertise -NDIS plans require financial management and coordination of services. Plan Managers handle finances, while Support Coordinators help find providers, negotiate agreements, and clarify the plan.

Improved Communication and Collaboration - A team approach involving Plan Managers and Support Coordinators ensures effective communication to keep your plan running smoothly.

Help Make Informed Decisions - Support Coordinators can help you choose the most suitable support services to meet your needs and goals, connect you with relevant providers, and explain service agreements.

Budget Maintaining - Plan Managers provide regular expenditure reports to help you stay within your budget, while Support Coordinators can assist you in identifying cost-effective service options.

Greater Independence - Plan Managers and Support Coordinators help you manage your NDIS plan more independently by teaching you budgeting skills and guiding you through the NDIS system.

Start embracing the Plan Manager & Support Coordinator partnership today!

Your NDIS Plan Manager and Support Coordinator can be beneficial resources throughout your NDIS journey. By working closely and keeping them informed, you can significantly improve your chances of achieving NDIS goals.

Remember to actively participate in your journey and rely on their support every step. If you find it daunting, partner with Access Foundation today! Being the most reliable NDIS service provider in Perth, we will help you embrace the best of these duos' responsibilities towards your betterment.