Access Foundation Group plays a crucial role in supporting people with complex needs in our community. We are closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) to ensure the safety of all employees, families and ultimately, the people we support.
We’ve compiled a list of useful resources as well as outlined the steps we’re taking to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all people across all service streams at Access Foundation Group in response to the impact of COVID-19.
If you have any questions or would like more information, we encourage you to contact us directly on 0405 158 234 or email

What is COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases.
COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new form of coronavirus. It was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan City in China.
Other coronaviruses include Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
What we're doing
The safety and well-being of all employees and people we support is our highest priority. To ensure we’re prepared for the impact of COVID-19, Access Foundation has implemented a wide range of preventative safety measures as well as regular communication with all key stakeholders on vital organisational and sector updates:
All accommodation services are equipped with a thermometer to check temperatures daily.
Professional COVID-19 cleaning services on standby if we identify a confirmed case.
Complimentary flu vaccinations available for all employees.
All non-essential activities for clients including house visits are currently on hold.
All employees have been issued an essential services travel letter so they can continue to provide clients with the services they need.
Central office buildings are closed with new technology introduced to enable employees to work from home.
Enacted an even greater emphasis on hygiene, particularly in relation to washing hands and coughing/sneezing into a tissue or covering cough/sneezes with elbows.
Introduced an organisation-wide approach to minimising physical contact and social distancing.
Ensured our pandemic preparedness boxes are checked at each worksite, regularly audited and restocked.
Provided education and infection control training for all employees.
Introduced new visitor signage and fixed hand sanitizer dispensers across all locations, encouraging everyone to ensure their personal hygiene is of the highest standard.
Useful resources
We’ve collated a range of useful resources on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as well as looking after your mental health and staying up-to-date with all the latest information on COVID-19.
How to protect yourself against COVID-19
Can masks protect you against COVID-19?
Hand hygiene
How to wear and remove PPE
Identifying symptoms
Looking after your mental health
Think mental health resources
Stay connected
10 ways to take care of yourself
Tips to get you through
Coping with coronavirus anxiety
Coronavirus FAQ’s
What is social distancing?
What you need to know
Disability information helpline
NDIS Participant Information
Whatsapp Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Government app
Easy read COVID-19 poster
Coronavirus information
Translated COVID-19 information
Children’s guide to COVID-19
Multilingual information
NDIS response to COVID-19
Multilingual health and aged care information
As part of its commitment to supporting CoS (Commonwealth Continuity of Support) clients the Australian Government is ensuring that clients wanting support to grocery shop have priority access to home delivery services.
From Tuesday 14 April 2020 CoS clients can use an Aged Care identification number to purchase grocery items online or by phone, for delivery to your home from participating major supermarket chains, wherever they offer home delivery services (e.g. Coles, Woolworths and IGA).
To obtain your individual code CoS clients must contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to register.
You will not be assessed for aged care services during this call. The Contact Centre will only collect some basic information to generate an Aged Care identification number, which can then be used to receive priority access to home delivery services Contacting My Aged Care does not mean you are now part of the aged care system. CoS clients will continue to be a CoS client and receive CoS services and supports.
To access priority home delivery services
Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 (Freecall*).
Tell the operator you are a CoS client.
Answer some basic questions.
You will be given a Aged Care identification number which can be entered as a priority home delivery code.
Complete your shopping online or by phone for home delivery with the participating supermarket retailers listed above.
When prompted enter your Aged Care identification number as the priority home delivery code.
Submit your order.
The My Aged Care Contact Centre is open
Monday to Friday: 8am – 8pm; Saturdays: 10am – 2pm and Closed on Sundays and national public holidays.
Click here to download the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) social story
Stay Informed
You can keep up-to-date with daily snapshots from the WA State Government here or visit the following websites for more information:
COVID Clinics
Department of Health
Department of Health WA
World Health Organisation (WHO)
National Disability Services
Smart Traveller