Access The NDIS

Who are Eligible For and Can Access the NDIS?

For you to have NDIS access, you must:

  • Be, first of all, living in an area where you have NDIS available, such as an NDIS transition area or trial site.

  • Meet either the disability requirements or the early intervention ones.

You would be fulfilling the Disability Requirements, if

  • You have a permanent disability that has a substantial effect on their ability to carry out everyday activities, unless you have support.

  • Your disability has a direct bearing on your capacity to participate, both socially as well as economically, and

  • It means that you’re likely to need support under the NDIS for your lifetime.

You would be fulfilling the Early Intervention Requirements, if

  • You have an impairment or a condition which is likely to be permanent and if there’s evidence showing that if you get support now, it would help you in the future, OR

  • You are a child no more than 6 years old with a significant developmental delay in one or more areas of language, self-care, motor, or cognitive development.

In addition, you are also required to be

Be less than 65 years of when you first access this scheme, and Be a citizen, or a permanent visa, or be holding or hold Protected Special Category Visa while living in Australia.

If you have any questions regarding NDIS, Access Foundation will be more than happy to help you out. We are a provider of NDIS Perth location, and we’d be happy to clear up any confusion for you.

Access Foundation

Contact No: (08) 9250 8735

Email ID:

Address: 2 Clover Square, Girrawheen, WA 6064

Targeted Location: Perth, Western Australia